Canadian clinical practice guidelines for the treating of anxiety, posttraumatic stress and obsessive-compulsive disorders

Canadian clinical practice guidelines for the treating of anxiety, posttraumatic stress and obsessive-compulsive disorders RSM, and it

Competing interests

Unrestricted educational grants to add mass to the following tips were supplied by Astra Zeneca Canada, Eli-Lilly Canada, Janssen Corporation., Lundbeck Canada, Pfizer Canada, Purdue Canada, Servier Canada Corporation., Shire Canada, and Valeant Canada. No people received payment for taking part in the introduction of the following tips.

The next authors have no competing interests to declare: AB, GA, JRW, KO, MMA, MF, LK, MR, SM.

Advisory board/speaker’s bureau: Astra Zeneca (KK, KR, MK, P. Bleau, P. Blier, RWL, RSM), Biovail (RWL), Boehringer Ingelheim (MK), BMS (KK, KR, MK, P. Bleau, P. Blier, PC, RWL, RSM), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (RWL), Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) (RWL), Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Foundation (RWL), Eli Lilly Canada (MK, P. Bleau, P. Blier, PC, SG, RWL, RSM, IS), France Foundation (RSM), GlaxoSmithKline (MK, P. Blier, RSM, SG), Janssen Ortho (KK, MK, P. Blier, PC, RSM), Labopharm (P. Blier), Litebook Company (RWL), Lundbeck (KK, KR, MK, P. Bleau, P. Blier, PC, RWL, RSM, SG), Lundbeck Institute (RWL), Organon (MK, RSM), Merck (P. Blier, RSM), Mochida (RWL), Otsuka (KK), Pfizer (P. Bleau, P. Blier, PC, RWL, RSM, SG), Pierre Fabre (P. Blier), Purdue (IS), Servier (P. Blier, RWL, SG), Shire (MK, RSM, IS), Solvay (MK), St. Jude’s Medical (RWL), Sunovion (KK, P. Blier), Takeda (P. Blier, RWL), UBC Institute of Mental Health/Coast Capital Savings (RWL), Valeant (P. Blier, IS), Wyeth (P. Bleau, MK, SG)

Consultation charges: AstraZeneca (MK), BMS (MK), Boehringer Ingelheim (MK), Clinique et Développement In Virtuo Corporation. (Senate bill), Eli Lilly Canada (MK, SG), GlaxoSmithKline (MK, SG), Janssen Ortho (MK), Lundbeck (MK, PR, SG), Organon (MK), Pfizer (SG), Servier (SG), Shire (MK), Solvay (MK), Wyeth (MK, SG)

Educational support: Astra Zeneca (RSM), BMS (RSM), CME Outfitters (RSM), Eli Lilly Canada (RSM, IS), France Foundation (RSM), I3CME (RSM), Merck (RSM), Optum Health (RSM), Pfizer (RSM), Physicians’ Postgraduate Press (RSM), Shire (IS)

Research grants/medical trial funding: AstraZeneca (KK, MK, P. Bleau, RSM, RWL), Biovail (RWL), BMS (KK, P. Bleau, RWL), Canadian Foundation for Innovation (MK), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (MK, RWL, SG), Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) (RWL), Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Foundation (MK, RWL), Center for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation (MK), CR More youthful Foundation (SG), Eli Lilly Canada (MK, P. Bleau, PR, RSM, RWL), Genuine Health (MK), GlaxoSmithKline (MK), Janssen Ortho (MK, RSM), Litebook Company (RWL), Lundbeck (KK, MK, P. Bleau, RSM, RWL), Lundbeck Institute (RWL), Mochida (RWL), National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD) (RSM), National Institutes of Mental Health (Ni-mh) (RSM), Ontario Secretary of state for Health (SG), Ontario Mental Health Foundation (SG), Organon (MK), Pfizer (P. Bleau, RSM, RWL), Roche (PR), Servier (RWL), Sick Kids Foundation (MK), Solvay (MK), St. Jude’s Medical (RWL), Shire (MK, RSM), Stanley Scientific Research Institute (RSM), Takeda (RWL), UBC Institute of Mental Health/Coast Capital Savings (RWL), Wyeth (MK, P. Bleau)

Unrestricted grants: Astra Zeneca Canada (MK), Eli Lilly Canada (MK), Janssen Corporation. (MK), Lundbeck Canada (MK), Pfizer (MK), Purdue Pharma (MK), Servier Canada (MK), Shire Canada (MK), Valeant Canada (MK)

Reimbursements, charges, funding, or salary: Previously 5 years, MVA received reimbursements, charges, funding, or salary from: Astra Zeneca, Biovail, Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Cephalon, Eli Lilly, Forest Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, Hamilton Academic Health Sciences Organization (HAHSO) Innovation Grant (AFP Innovation Grant), Janssen Ortho, Labo Pharm, Lundbeck, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Novartis, Pfizer Corporation., Servier, Shire, Sunovion, Valeant, Wyeth-Ayerst

Stock/share possession: Clinique et Développement In Virtuo Corporation. (Senate bill)

Authors’ contributions

We thank all co-authors for his or her considerable knowledge of generating the following tips. Authors who have been people from the executive committee (MK, PB, PB, PC, KK, MVA) required part in teleconferences along with a meeting in December 2012 to achieve consensus on the effectiveness of evidence and treatment recommendations. Draft guidelines were then produced by the main committee and revised by all co-authors. The whole content was subsequently circulated to any or all people from the Canadian Anxiety Guidelines Initiative Group for further comments and approval during 2013. GA, LJK, RWL, RSM, and it is provided additional reviews from the comorbidity section. The ultimate manuscript ended up being circulated to exterior reviewers (MP, DS, LDM) and revisions were created according to input in the core committee.


Canadian clinical practice guidelines for the treating of anxiety, posttraumatic stress and obsessive-compulsive disorders all co-authors

Communication with Patients Experiencing OCD, PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety


John Doe: The nurse was a good actress because she made me want to punch her. I have been criticized for OCD rituals and it is as bad as the abuse in grade school was.