Incisionless otoplasty

Incisionless otoplasty This process


This research evaluates the postoperative outcomes achieved with incisionless otoplasty for that correction of prominauris.


To find out whether incisionless otoplasty is really a reliable and replicable technique in correcting prominauris.

Design, Setting, and Participants

This research contained a retrospective electronic permanent medical record review for 72 patients undergoing incisionless otoplasty for that correction of prominauris with a single surgeon from November 2006 to April 2013. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 87 several weeks. The patients were operated on at both St Joseph’s Health Center (a residential area hospital) and also the Cumberland Clinic (private practice) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All patients undergoing an incisionless otoplasty for that correction of prominauris were qualified. Participants’ ages ranged from three to 55 years, using the majority being adults. 70 patients were adopted up for outcomes.


Incisionless otoplasty.

Primary Outcomes and Measures

Type and number of sutures used, perioperative complications, and postoperative follow-up including complications and revisions. Complications incorporated infection, hematoma, bleeding, perichondritis, suture granuloma, suture exposure, and suture failure.


Incisionless otoplasty Complications incorporated infection, hematomaAn average (SD) 2.5 (.8) sutures were utilized in the left ear, 2.48 (.75) within the right ear, and 4.69 (1.75) as a whole. The amount of sutures utilized in the left versus right ear wasn’t considerably different (P = .60). All patients had horizontal bed mattress sutures placed for correction of prominauris. There have been no serious perioperative complications for example infection, bleeding, hematoma, perichondritis, or cartilage necrosis. Follow-up data were extracted and examined in 70 patients, having a mean follow-up duration of 31 several weeks. Complications were observed in 10 patients (14%): 4 were because of suture failure, 3 were because of suture exposure, 2 were because of granuloma formation, and 1 was as a result of Polysporin (bacitracin zinc/polymyxin B sulfate) reaction. Nine patients (13%) needed a revision to attain an appealing result.

Conclusions and Relevance

The process of incisionless otoplasty utilized in this research was well tolerated and efficient both in pediatric and adult patients, producing favorable outcomes with minimal complications. This process is less invasive than its open counterpart and appears a minimum of equally good at durability.

Degree of Evidence



Incisionless Otoplasty