Worldwide educated health care professionals in canada: na… : academic medicine

Worldwide educated health care professionals in canada: na... : academic medicine An early

R. Paul is really a PhD candidate, Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation, and research fellow, Wilson Center for Research in Education, College of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

M.A. Martimianakis is assistant professor, Department of Paediatrics, and researcher, Wilson Center for Research in Education, College of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

J. Johnstone is affiliate staff physician, Division of Paediatrics, Department of Paediatrics, and program director, Global Child Health Fellowship, Center for Global Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

N. McNaughton is affiliate director, Standardized Patient Program, Faculty of drugs, and affiliated scholar, Wilson Center for Research in Education, College of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Z. Austin is professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, academic director, Center for Practice Excellence, and Murray B. Koffler Chair in Pharmacy Management, College of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Funding/Support: None reported.

Other disclosures: The information accustomed to support this analysis were collected for any different context and purpose, and were repurposed via a secondary analysis with this paper, using the permission from the principal investigator (Z. Austin). The very first author with this paper, R. Paul, seemed to be a writer from the HIRE-IEHPs report.28

Worldwide educated health care professionals in canada: na... : academic medicine 29, 2014 Ottawa, Ontario

Ethical approval: These studies was conducted like a secondary analysis underneath the IRB approval granted through the College of Toronto ethics board for that HIRE-IEHPs study this year.

Previous presentations: An early on form of this paper was presented in the 2014 Canadian Conference on Medical Education April 25–29, 2014 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Correspondence ought to be addressed to Robert Paul, Wilson Center for Research in Medical Education, 200 Elizabeth St., 1ES-565, Toronto, Canada M5G 2C4 (416) 340-3646 e-mail: Twitter: @robpaul252.


Introduction to Refugee and Canadian Health Care