Infiniti pharmacy urac and achc accreditation has started! – infiniti pharmacy and infusion services

Infiniti Pharmacy is proud to announce that it has started their accreditation process with URAC and ACHC like a Niche Pharmacy. 

URAC, a completely independent, nonprofit organization, is really a well-known leader to promote healthcare quality through its accreditation, education, and measurement programs. URAC offers an array of quality benchmarking programs and services that model the rapid alterations in the healthcare system and supply symbolic of excellence for organizations to validate their dedication to quality and accountability. Through its broad-based governance structure as well as an inclusive standards development process, URAC helps to ensure that all stakeholders are symbolized in creating significant quality measures for the whole medical industry. To learn more, visit

ACHC is definitely an independent, private, not-for-profit corporation established in 1986 through the Association for Home & Hospice Care (AHHC) of New York to make sure quality, patient-focused, clearly written accreditation standards for in-home aide services. Accreditation Commission for Healthcare (ACHC) is devoted to delivering the perfect experience and also to partnering with organizations and medical professionals that seek accreditation and related services. ACHC has acquired respect and recognition being an accrediting organization distinctively dedicated to medical service providers.  To learn more, visit

