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Canadian pharmacy online - canada pharmacy - discount prescription States and worldwide most abundant

In ’09, included in our ongoing efforts to supply patients within the U . s . States and worldwide most abundant in

affordable and safest prescription drugs available, we launched CheapoDrugs. Within the


CheapoDrugs has shown to be a millionaire. Today, however, we’re extremely pleased and excited to pass through along


very good news for you.

We’ve made the decision to merge CheapoDrugs using its parent company,


The brand new services you’ll enjoy like a CanadaDrugs patient include:

  • All orders are actually shipped free of charge
  • The choice for email and text notifications, including:

  • Notification that the purchase has shipped
  • Reminders that you are due for any refill or that the prescription might be expiring and
  • Notification we have received the documents you’ve sent us.
  • Simpler capability to upload prescriptions along with other documents and
  • A far more user-friendly website with lots of enhanced features and knowledge
  • We’re confident that you’ll be happy with this transformation because it provides you with the suggestions above


    services without quitting whatever you have today, including our terrific customer support.

    Canadian pharmacy online - canada pharmacy - discount prescription All orders are

    Because the founding father of CanadaDrugs in 2001, my mission has continued to be just like those of CheapoDrugs, namely, to


    patients prescription drugs which aren‘t only safe but additionally affordable in the current competitive

    market. I

    am thrilled to have CheapoDrugs be a key thing about this important mission by formally coming underneath the

    CanadaDrugs umbrella.

    For those who have any queries or concerns, please call and call our Patient Services



    Kris Thorkelson

    [email protected]
